Just look at what I started with!
A 68 CAMARO of all things? Yea, I'm scratching MY head just like YOU are right now.. Why build one of these 'ol raggly things that don't EVEN have a good source for "racing sticker support"?

Look at what this thing did to my house!
USELESS speed parts EVERYWHERE, when I simply could have kept a nice assortment of paints and "ricer racing" decals in only a small box!

Those damed Camaros only cluttered my driveway with parts!
Good GOD, no self respecting "ricer" in his right mind would EVEN THINK of getting THAT dirty when you consider all of the great "ricer speed tricks" that can be had with only a simple "right mouse click", "print screen", and VOILA! Instant racing sticker!
Fear NOT , though! I saw the light and added some really cool "yellow stuff" on the Camaro! Wanna see?
Awe, go ahead and FEEL BRAVE! Click the "onward to the yellow page" do-dad and just see all of the great improvements! Gee-wiz, I did good!
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