How about this? I finally fired up the new scanner!
Yes, "Ride Judge" users, I have finally posted all of my mistakes on the net!
I also have to give beaterz.com credit for some great inspiration!
Please forgive me for building a 200+mph street car the WRONG way! ------
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Ok, here's my 'ol raggly car....
( Note: the car below was built for "salt flats" type high speed tests, road racing, and NOT for drag racing
although an 11.02 is respectable.. ( no nos ) Best standing mile run: 239.72 mph )
Here's a close-up of the rear of the car.

Yes, the NHRA master cut-off switch is required for most sanctioned events,
And no, I never did replace the "trunk lock" (chuckle) LOCKS don't add performance! haha
What's this? There's something wrong with the back of this car.. Something is missing! What night it be.. Ahh-ha! I know what's missing, besides
a bunch of faux sponser stickers.... Where are the huge "Folgers coffee can" exhaust tips? This CAN'T possibly be a fast car without that!
NO PROBLEM! Just feast your eyes on the race-bred Chevette parked to the right! That bad boy is just begging for some stickers, a sky-scraper wing, and "folger's exhaust" to send this Camaro home with it's tail between its' legs...
Did someone say, "serious battery"? I thought so..

So why in the world would someone put a 150lb 8-D cat battery in the trunk? The answer is simple.. REAR WEIGHT for drag racing, not to mention that a "12-V trouble light" will run for WEEKS off this thing.. Hummm.. I wonder how many "rice-racers" that I could run using only the STARTER? With over 2200 amps of cranking power, that ought to be good for a mid 16sec run, huh?
Details, Details..

In this photo you can see a few of the changes that must be made to keep an 8000+ RPM big block nice and happy. First, note the 4-core truck radiator that is adapted into the Camaro's engine bay. Sure, the mounting brackets looked a little crude, but this thing was about SPEED and "looks " didn't really matter.. To the left of the radiator, you see the alternator with a Moroso under-drive pulley on it. This solved the little "belt slinging" problems above 7500 rpm. Note the radiator fan also, not one of those cheap JC Whitney "I wanna be a fan" fans, but the REAL McCoy that is tested to over 11,000 RPM by the manufacturer. And one other little "thing" that is one of my "pet-peves".. Note the wiring from the alternator.. Wire loomed and zip-tied every four inches. GOOD GOD! (slapping forehead) I could have used high performance YELLOW loom! Wait a minute.. Do I see more than FOUR cylinders? HOLY JESUS, is it possible to some how graft TWO v-tech engines into ONE? This is CRAZY!
OK, don't laugh, this is a VERY early photo.

Yea I know.. It STILL had wipers on it and BOTH if them at that! Geeze, I could have picked up a few miles per hour using the secret "mono-wiper" trick.. And NO stickers!!! Where can I get some good stickers to really make this thing fast?? Yes, the carbs did not yet have a throttle linkage installed, but this photo was only an early "mock-up" to ensure that the hood would stll open and shut with all of that "hardware hanging out in the wind". At this time, the car had only a "test block" intstalled in it to work out the hood clearance needs. HOLY SHEEP SHIT! Look what I forgot! (slapping forehead ) I put that stupid "427 sticker" on the hood instead of a genuine
"type-R sticker"! What was I thinking? And the colors.. NOT a SINGLE bit of high-performance YELLOW! Oh, well, we all have to learn..
WOA! Lookie here! An interior that actually has been "gutted"? What was I EVER thinking? Let's take a closer look..

To quickly answer a few questions:
(1) Yes, the nitrous bottle(s) are REAL.. ( damn, I could have saved a LOT of cash by using only an NOS sticker )
(2) Yes, the nitrous bottles ARE plumbed into the engine.. (oh ma god! What a waste of time..)
(3) Yes, the seats ARE real fiberglass.. ( fiberglass? why? a couple of genuine type-R seat covers would have done the same thing.. )
(4) YES, there is actually light-weight aluminum sheet metal that replaced the original interior.. ( Pity that it's not painted "hi-po yellow")
(5) And last but not least, YES, there is even a hand made "drink holder" between the seats that contains an empty "7-UP" can.
What was I thinking? That should have been an empty beer or an empty bottle of saki!
Good god, the mistakes that I made! I could have painted the interior with some special "racing yellow" paint, added a few neon lights, plastered stickers all over the instrument cluster, and I would have BEEN SET! BUT NOOOO, I had to do it the "hard way"..
Pity that this one is a little "fuzzy".. Darn camera.. Guess I'll have to "wing it a little" on this photo..

Oooohhh, the many secret "ricer speed tricks" that I forgot! At least I was smart enough to buy a giant 12-grand tach.. Chalk up a well deserved "ricer point" with THAT smooth move! But I totally missed the boat on a few other things. Here are a few of the bad mistakes that I missed:
(1) The steering wheel! I could have pulled better than 2g's on the skid-pad with one of those fine billet & wood babies..
(2) And look at that lame gas pedal. The thing is actually a stock one! It needs a nifty "Reactive brand" cover on it to improve the reaction times.
(3) And to the right of the lame pedal, a useless 3"x 1" gate race shifter.. What a waste of time when a simple neon light shifter knob would have done the trick!
(4) The instrument cluster! Where are the stickers and the bright yellow accents? Geeze, what a slacker!
An earlier photo of the interior during the "yank and sheet-metal it" era..

GOOD LORD, if I had only paid closer attention to the "rice-racers" on Beaterz.com , I could have had a MUCH faster car... What a slacker! All of those horsepower gains to be had with a simple "peel and stick" proceedure and some strategic "yellow painting"..
( smacking forehead again! )
MY GOD, I went and spent over 12 grand on useless speed hardware when I could have done all of this for less than 300 bucks!
( hanging his head )
Yea, I know.. I SHOULD have purchased a nifty "park-bench" rear wing instead of those stupid 12.5:1 pistons and sure, I should have invested my funds more wise, with the purchase of some Krylon bright yellow paint, but I was stupid.. I am embaressed by this fact, so don't laugh....
'Ol dumb-assed me invested over a grand in valve-train hardware instead of simply adding a couple of 200mph folger's exhaust tips like this WORLD RECORD holding Honda! My God, that exhaust tip ALONE is good for well over 180mph!
WHAT was I thinking? This project was a JOKE from it's beginning! I should have "seen the light" a long time ago....
Today's results from "Dirttrack Dragway"!! CLICK! See the fastest cars in the nation go head to head!
Specs on the all time fastest cars CLICK!
Onward to even MORE of my pitiful speed mistakes or :
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