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***Today's RACING NEWS from "Dirttrack Dragway"***
Here we post the latest news on the fastest race cars in the nation!
This weekend at Dirttrack Dragway was a weekend to be remembered, with no less than FIVE cars running a near sub-7sec ET at well over 200mph! The fans went crazy as these awesome race cars blistered our track, setting new records with each mind blowing run!
Let's scroll down and view some of incredible race cars that ran here this weekend!

Here is today's runner-up!

Here we have a twin turbo, nitrous injected big-block Impala wagon leaving the line at Dirttrack Dragway! Just look at the tremendous torque at work! The custom tube frame on this mighty race car is taxed to the limit as those secret 13 inch wrinkle white-wall slicks hook the sticky pavement here at "Dirttrack".. And just look at the ET! A ripping 7.01 @ 210mph!! WOW!

And about the time that we thought it was safe...

Yes, there is a new entry on the scene that installed a "reverse rotation" 972ci Sonny Leonard mountian motor into this fine Impala! Holy Jesus, what a mainac! And once again there is those secret 13 inch wrinkle wall slicks that manage to get all of this horsepower to the pavement..Such fine engineering, running a 7.02 @ 205mph in an all steel body car! MAN OH MAN!

Talk about TRACTION!

Yes, the traction this weekend was awesome as this entry will testify. Unfortunatly, this poor fellow's hood popped open right off the line and he could not complete his run. Oh well, that's racing! Too bad, because this incredible pro-stock Impala has a few low 7sec, 200mph+ runs under its' belt!

Today's hole-shot winner!

Now THAT'S what we call "MAJOR TRACTION"! WOW! This mighty TURBINE powered entry almost beat out our points leader in the semi finals, coasting to an incredible 7.28 @ 192mph. An afterburner fuel nozzle failed at half-track, preventing a full pass. This bad mama-jama could have EASILY set a new track record had it not been for the fuel mishap..

And here is our points leader! This car is awesome!

Just look at this photo that was captured when the green light came on! Ladies and gentlemen, this car hits SO hard off of the starting line that sometimes the trunk is sprung open from the g-forces! This beauty is equipped with a secret "staged QUAD turbo" setup, custom engineered by AirResearch turbos, on an alcohol injected 872ci Keith Black engine, a five speed Lenco transmission, and a secret prototype rear-end custom built by Richmond Gearing! Whew, what a hard hitter! Its' ET today? A blistering 6.92 @ 216mph!!! This bad boy set a new track record by over 0.45 sec!
It is rumored that Firestone supplied our winner with a set of custom made "secret 13 inch prototype slicks" for today's event.. At this time it is only a rumor..
***** News flash!!!*****
Just in... we got word that the incredable JET-POWERED "Jap Van" might make a pass here at the track NEXT WEEKEND! Stay tuned! Here is a secret "spy photo" of the van captured by one of our fine field reporters in a remote parking lot! It has been rumored that this van can run a LOW 2sec pass at WELL over 300mph!

****Just in!****
We managed to unearth a VIDEO of the van in it's early developement stage making a 1/4 mile pass!!!!
(click on the videos below and use your "return do-dad" to get back here)
View the video!(490kb mpe) Maaaannn, that sucker is awesome! You can even hear the first stage of NOS kick in! WOW! Just look at how fast it was LONG before the "jet phase", and talk about some MAJOR body mods! The "Japvan crew" are true wizards at their trade, not only with speed, but with style, huh?

The racing this weekend was fast and furious, but not without a mishap!
Yesser, this weekend we witnessed a terrible "spanking"! A poor Mustang decided to tangle with an early Camaro.. Poor guy! View the video (2.5m avi) WAAAA-HOOOOO! AWESOME video!!
There might be a lesson to be learned here.. Watch out for those early Camaros!
Any Honduuuz wanna "step up to the batter's box"? We didn't think so!

**** More news from the "Dirttrack"! ****
One of our slower bracket entries had a terrible "crash and burn" run .. View the video (1.6m mpe)
And to top that off, just look at what happened to the "rescue chopper"
that was flown in from Ft. Worth! View the video (1.54m mpe)
This weekend was quite a handfull here at the Dirt Drags and hopefully our fine crew will be able to rebuild the track damage caused by the helicopter crash this weekend. Our timing lights and most of the finish line were lost in the mishap, but we are working on it 'round the clock at this time..

So there you have today's report on the fastest race cars in the nation, battling it out at the scenic