MAN OH MAN! Just feast your eyes on this beauty!

Now we're ready to take on the world with this high performance machine, huh? YOU BET 'CHA!
What more could you ask for? It has it all! Yesser, we have the hi-po yellow, we have the stunning type-R windshield banner, we have the secret 200mph ground effects, we have the hi-po AutoZone fog lights, and to top off all of that great speed equipment, YES, we indeed have the mandatory "parkbench rear wing" to keep it stable during those mach 1.4 top end runs!
Exhaust by
Need I say more?
Hey! I have a great idea! Let's compare the sound of a Civic type-R making a quarter-mile pass vs an 'ol souped up V-8, ok?
Click to hear the ricer! (wav format about 532k) OR Click here to hear a V-8 (wav format 253k) You decide.....
Hummmm, was that my car in the "V-8" wav file?? I'll never tell.. chuckle
MAN, that Honda is a BAD "mo-fo", huh?
I just get "goose-bumps" listening to all of that horsepower! How 'bout you? Could you imagine it with a shot of nitrous oxide? It would sound like a pissed-off "weed-whacker on STEROIDS" !! Wowzers!
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